Friday, July 27, 2018

A Plateful Of Learning

The plate is full and he can no longer handle it.
He kept on putting dishes he thought he needed
Garnish all the greens and put color on it
Throwing everything into it until the plate bleeds.

He took his time fixing the scallions and parsley.
Trying to differentiate the greens from greens
Sprinkling on top of a bed of lettuce
The colors and textures he begun to lose.

The plate is full but focused on the garnish
And each of his bite seems like to tarnish
He then lost his appetite on the main dish
Until he wanted to leave everything in a bliss

The plate is full and he wants to throw it away
Just leave nothing but a tomato in a tray
Now his eyes are drooling like a fool
Staring nowhere while his plate is full.